From words to deeds. Since the work of three school trustees of the San Francisco School Board left something to be desired, the residents of the city decided to relieve them of their duties. Their wrong, according to the citizens, was to have given space to “wrong priorities” and to have “put progressive politics before children”.
TORONTO – Where to start? Usually at the top. Neither the Director’s office nor the Office of the Chair return Media (ours) email requests or phone calls. That is usually a sign of indifference or disrespect. We are ratepayers and our writers are Catholic electors.
Letters or posts “from the above” sent to parents and teachers (and obtained by us) are signed “Board of the TCDSB”, suggesting that no one wants to take ownership of the contents.
TORONTO – Dove iniziare? Di solito dall’alto. Né l’Ufficio del Direttore né l’Ufficio del Presidente rispondono alle domande dei Media (noi) inviate per posta elettronica o fatte per telefono. Di solito questo è un segno di indifferenza o di mancanza di rispetto. Siamo contribuenti e i nostri scrittori sono elettori cattolici.
TORONTO – Sembra esserci un fallimento del metodo e della procedura al TCDSB. Gli ultimi due anni sono stati caotici per genitori e studenti che hanno navigato nel sistema dell’istruzione alla ricerca di chiarezza e stabilità. Non è stato facile per nessuno…
TORONTO – There appears to be a breakdown of process and procedure at the TCDSB. The past two years have been chaotic for parents and students navigating the education system while looking for clarity and stability. It has not been easy for anyone.
Families maintain that the constant disruption between schools opening, then closing, and re-opening has had a negative impact on their children. They say the back and forth between virtual and in-person instruction has not helped the social, mental and academic well-being of their children.