Tag: matters

Overcrowded classrooms during the pandemic? It’s not my fault…

TORONTO – Rule number one: it’s not my fault. In the chaos in which Ontario’s Education sector finds itself, characterized by accusations, invective, controversies, complaints, retaliation and divisions, we have witnessed the most classic blame game on the responsibilities in a situation that is becoming unsustainable, especially in the Toronto Catholic District School Board. To try to understand what is happening, we must necessarily start from a fact: starting from October 12 there has been a merger of dozens of classes in many schools of the Catholic Board, with the consequent increase in the number of students in the individual classrooms.

Welcome to the Alice in Wonderland world of Stephen Lecce

TORONTO – Minister Lecce’s (in the pic) allies at the school board level are falling like flies, or so it seems. Trustees at the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) were compelled to distance themselves from Lecce’s human rights agenda last Thursday and ask him to pull them out of the quicksand of Covid-related problems with respect to staffing, class sizes and health issues. They sent him a polite, cavilling, letter begging for more money ($42, 000, 000 by our estimate).