TORONTO – Lecce detta l’aumento delle dimensioni delle classi al TCDSB: i genitori sono preoccupati. La salute e la sicurezza degli studenti e del personale sono al primo posto quando si tratta di individui che studiano nel sistema educativo dell’Ontario, o almeno dovrebbe esserlo. Ecco perché i genitori sono preoccupati per il piano della provincia di aumentare le dimensioni delle classi. Questo è particolarmente vero per i genitori degli studenti iscritti al Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)…
TORONTO – L’aumento del numero massimo di studenti per classe a partire dal 12 ottobre ai genitori proprio non va giù. È stato proprio per manifestare il proprio disappunto, nella speranza di bloccare questa decisione, che oggi hanno organizzato proteste di fronte a numerose scuole del Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)…
TORONTO – The increase in the maximum number of students per class starting from October 12 to parents just does not go down. It was precisely to express their disappointment, in the hope of blocking this decision, that for tomorrow they organized protests in front of numerous schools of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). →
The health and safety of students and staff is top of mind when it comes to individuals learning in Ontario education system, or at least it should be. That is why parents are concerned over the province’s plan to increase class sizes.
This is particularly the case for parents of students enrolled at the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). →
TORONTO – Classes oversize in the schools of the Toronto Catholic District School Board: the parents are preparing the protest. After the decision of the TCDSB to increase the number of students in the classrooms, exceeding the number of thirty for each classroom, “to save money” (the salaries of teachers whose number will be reduced), the families have decided to organize protests in front of the schools, tomorrow, from 8.30 to 10. →