TORONTO – Canada must increase its military spending until it reaches its NATO agreement quota. This was requested today by the Conservative Party, on the eve of the presentation of the federal budget scheduled for tomorrow at the House of Commons. Kerry-Lynne Findlay, conservative shadow Defence minister, said: “It is time for Canada to contribute its fair share to NATO. As a founding member of the Atlantic Alliance, the peace and security that Canadians have enjoyed over the past 73 years have been underpinned by the collective security promise that any attack on a NATO country would be an attack on everyone.”
A beautiful autumn morning greeted Durval Terceira, Local Union Co-ordinator for Local 1030, as he set out this past Saturday for the annual fundraising walk to support Renos for Heroes (R4H). Despite event organizers having to move the event to a virtual format for the second year due to the pandemic, it did not deter his commitment to support Canada’s military veterans on behalf of the Carpenters’ District Council of Ontario. →
EDMONTON – Scary numbers. Alberta, which until a few days ago was “stay open for good”, registered 2,020 new cases of Covid-19 on Friday (out of a total of 17,000 tests carried out). A huge amount, considering that Alberta has just over 4.3 million inhabitants. To make a comparison: today Italy, which has over 60 million inhabitants, recorded 3,838 new cases (out of a total of 263,571 swabs analyzed). →
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Download File: – Whatever one might hazard to say about Israel… it would be wrong, the moment a “shot” is fired. There have been many “shots” fired in the last week. In fact, as of May 19, the overall death toll in Gaza stood at 197 people, including 58 children and 34 women, with 1,235 injured and about 70,000 displaced.
A word of caution, the foregoing numbers vary according to their source (Hamas/Palestinian or the Israeli Defense Forces), and reporting agencies like Al-Jazeera, the BBC or the Associated Press. →
TORONTO – Whatever one might hazard to say about Israel… it would be wrong, the moment a “shot” is fired. There have been many “shots” fired in the last week. In fact, as of May 19, the overall death toll in Gaza stood at 197 people, including 58 children and 34 women, with 1,235 injured and about 70,000 displaced. →