Tag: million

Six million Canadians without a family doctor

TORONTO – Six million Canadians do not have a family doctor and 35% of them searched for one for more than a year, to no avail. Considering that Canada has a population of just over 38 million inhabitants, what emerges from the second report drawn up on the basis of a series of surveys carried out by the Angus Reid Institute on the crisis in access to health care is definitely alarming. 

2068, 57 million of inhabitants in Canada: a big problem for pensions, health care and houses

TORONTO – More than 56 million inhabitants or, perhaps, even 74. In 2068, the Canadian population could reach these figures according to a report by Statistics Canada published on Monday, which also highlights how this phenomenon (due to the aging of population – thanks to the increase in life expectancy – and to strong immigration) will have large – and negative – dimensions for pensions, health care and housing needs. 

The Omicron “tsunami” infected seventeen million Canadians

TORONTO – More than a new wave: it’s a tsunami. Omicron has attacked (also) Canada, making the infections from Covid-19 increase exponentially, despite – after the winter wave – the virus seemed to be in a downward phase. In fact, data from the Canadian task force reveal how quickly Omicron and its sub-variants spread across the country as early as the end of 2021 and early this year. The task force reported that as many as 17 million Canadians were infected in just five months, between December 2021 and May 2022. This means that the daily average of new infections was over 100,000. A record, enough to push the members of the task force themselves to define the wave “Omicron tsunami”.