Die Polizei meldete die Festnahme von zwei Teenagern, die verdächtigt wurden, eine Regenbogenfahne verbrannt zu haben, nachdem Anfang dieses Monats ein Video des Vorfalls in den sozialen Medien verbreitet worden war. (more…)
Police reported the arrest of two teenagers suspected of burning a rainbow flag after a video of the incident circulated on social media earlier this month. Investigators from the 12th Division Criminal Investigative Bureau, Region of Peel, completed an investigation that began after a video of a rainbow flag being burned on the ground by students at a school circulated on social media. (more…)
Die Polizei bittet um Hilfe bei der Identifizierung des Verdächtigen, der angeblich am Samstag in einem Restaurant das Feuer eröffnet und einen 25-jährigen Mann getötet und seinen Vater, seine Mutter, seinen jüngeren Bruder und seinen Angestellten verletzt hat. (more…)
Police are asking for help in identifying the suspect who allegedly opened fire inside a restaurant on Saturday and killed a 25-year-old man, injured his father, mother, younger brother and employee. (more…)
Video: Rosanna Colavecchia
TORONTO – Una grande folla si è radunata martedì sera per una manifestazione pro-palestinese nella Celebration Square di Mississauga mentre la violenza continua in Medio Oriente. I manifestanti hanno detto che volevano far capire cosa provano i palestinesi durante l’escalation del conflitto israelo-palestinese. “Nel mio paese le persone vengono uccise o bombardate ed è come se a nessuno importasse – ha detto la dimostrante Sara Abu Hattab – è come se i diritti umani non esistano quando si parla della Palestina”.