The Canadian Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission – CRCT – has made important decisions that will allow smaller players – mobile operators to enter the market as MVNO’s – “mobile virtual network operators”. →
On Thursday (15th), the Minister of Natural Resources, Seamus O’Regan, announced a $50,000 investment in Toronto’s Ecohive Inc., to raise awareness of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and help Canadians make informed decisions when choosing their next vehicle. →
by Carlos Lima
February 25, 2021, 5 pm, the program “Today in Toronto with Manuel Alexandre” is on GoLive Tv.
As promised, on the last Thursday of each month, the Consul General of Portugal in Toronto, Dr. José Mendes will be present to inform the Portuguese community about the activities of the Consulate.
In a simple and committed way, Mr. Consul and his collaborators, were in this program essentially to answer the questions/suggestions sent to them via Facebook “”. →