TORONTO – Festa della Repubblica e Italian Heritage Month: grandi celebrazioni a Toronto e nella GTA. Ieri, il Console Generale d’Italia Luca Zelioli ha partecipato alla cerimonia tenutasi a Vaughan per il lancio dell’Italian Heritage Month (nella foto sopra, Zelioli con il sindaco Steven Del Duca, il deputato federale Francesco Sorbara e alcuni consiglieri comunali; sotto, altre immagini)…
MONTREAL – 4,689 people entered Canada illegally through Roxham Road in Quebec last December, more than the number arrived at the “irregular border crossing” during the entirety of 2021. In fact, the number recorded in December 2022 it is the highest since August 2017, when 5,530 people entered. A total of 39,171 people entered the country illegally and then applied for asylum in 2022, more than double the 18,836 who entered via Roxham Road in 2017, the previous record year. →
TORONTO – Today, Ontario did not report new deaths from Covid-19 for the first time in almost a month: the last day the province had reported no fatalities was last April 4. Since then, Ontario has recorded 370 deaths. The total since the beginning of the pandemic is 12,842. →
TORONTO – 1,362 people are hospitalized in Ontario with or due to Covid-19, 212 of which in intensive care: today’s data could indicate a decrease in the number of Covid patients compared to the day before when the hospitalized were 1,684 (unchanged, instead, the number of people in the ICU), but it should be noted that not all hospitals report data over the weekend. What is certain is that ICU employment has increased by 7.6% in the past week and by 28.4% in the past month. →
TORONTO – Questo febbraio, in Nord America si celebra il Black History Month (BHM). Quest’anno segna la sua 26esima celebrazione in Canada. Il Carpenters District Council of Ontario (CDCO), uno dei più grandi sindacati dei lavoratori qualificati dell’Ontario, sta facendo la sua parte per promuovere il significato del BHM nei cantieri di tutta la provincia… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>