TORONTO – Sì alle mascherine ma su base facoltativa. Come previsto, il Chief Medical Officer of Health dell’Ontario Kieran Moore ha “raccomandato vivamente” agli abitanti dell’Ontario di indossare mascherine in tutti gli ambienti pubblici al chiuso, comprese le scuole e le strutture per l’infanzia, ma non si è spinto oltre. Nessun obbligo di farne uso…
TORONTO – Yes to masks but on an optional basis. As expected, Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore “strongly recommended” Ontarioans wear masks in all indoor public settings, including schools and childcare facilities, but went no further. No obligation to use it.
TORONTO – Con le malattie respiratorie che imperversano e gli ospedali pediatrici dell’Ontario pieni oltre il limite oggi il Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore (nella foto) raccomanderà ai residenti della provincia di indossare di nuovo le mascherine. A dirlo a The Canadian Press sono state due fonti vicine al governo che hanno voluto mantenere l’anonimato in quanto non autorizzate a parlarne pubblicamente…
TORONTO – With respiratory diseases rampant and Ontario Children’s Hospitals full over the edge today, Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore will recommend residents of the province wear masks again. This was told to The Canadian Press by two sources close to the government who wished to remain anonymous as they were not authorized to speak about it publicly.
TORONTO – Expand access to antiviral drugs for the treatment of Covid-19 for high-risk categories and wear masks indoors. These are the recommendations of Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore (in the pic above).