Tag: most

CORRIERE CANADESE / “Most wanted”, i 25 criminali più ricercati

TORONTO – Un nome dopo l’altro, i 25 criminali più ricercati del Canada sono stati annunciati ieri dal chief della Toronto Police Myron Demkiw durante una conferenza stampa in Yonge Dundas Square. Dodici dei 25 latitanti presenti in quest’ultimo elenco (nella foto sopra: cliccare per ingrandirla) avevano legami con Toronto mentre uno – l’italocanadese Daniel Tomassetti – è ricercato dalla polizia di Hamilton per omicidio. 


Ontario to lift most remaining mask mandates on June 11, it is controversy

TORONTO – The controversy was not long in coming. Just a day after Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore announced the lifting of the obligation to wear a mask on public transport and in many health facilities, the new director of the Ontario Science Advisory Table Fahad Razak attacked this decision. “The provincial requirement could have been extended for at least another four weeks to help relieve some of the pressure on hospitals that will now have to enforce their policies on masks – said the doctor interviewed by CBC Radio – I am heartened to see that many hospitals have already announced that they will continue to impose them”.


Ontario: from tomorrow masks will be optional in most city facilities

TORONTO – From tomorrow goodbye to masks in Ontario. At least in most facilities including schools and kindergartens. The breakthrough was announced last week by Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario Kieran Moore due to the general improvement in the epidemiological situation. To abandon this personal protective equipment in the public transport sector, long-term care, retirement homes and other health facilities, reception centers, prisons and homes for people with developmental disabilities, instead we will have to wait a little longer, to be precise until April 27th. 


Bangladesh among most polluted countries in the world

Relying on Swiss IQAir’s information platform, the 2020 World Air Quality Report shows, South and East Asian locations emerge as the most polluted globally. Among them Bangladesh, China, India, and Pakistan share 49 of the 50 of the most polluted cities worldwide, Dhaka as second worst ranking, while wildfires and dust storms linked to increasing global temperatures as part of climate change as well as agricultural practices. 
