TORONTO – Campagna elettorale al via in Ontario. Con lo scioglimento dell’assemblea provinciale, chiesta ieri dal premier uscente Doug Ford durante il suo incontro con la vice governatrice Elizabeth Dowdeswell, è ufficialmente scattato il conto alla rovescia in vista dell’appuntamento alle urne del prossimo 2 giugno…
TORONTO – Election campaign kicks off in Ontario. With the dissolution of the provincial assembly, requested today by outgoing Prime Minister Doug Ford during his meeting with Deputy Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell, the countdown has officially started in view of the appointment at the polls on June 2nd. Of course, the start set for today is a purely formal element. In fact, both the majority party – the Progressive Conservative – and the opposition forces began their election campaign as early as last month. Just think that only last week Steven Del Duca’s Liberal Party and Andra Horwath’s NDP presented the entire programmatic platform for the next provincial elections.
The constituency of Niagara West is situated along the south-west shore of Lake Ontario. The district spans an area of 1,057 square km and encompasses the towns of Grimsby, Lincoln and Pelham. It also includes the western portion of the City of St. Catharines and the townships of West Lincoln and Wainfleet.
TORONTO – Il distretto elettorale provinciale di Hamilton East-Stoney Creek è stato creato nel 2007. Si trova all’estremità occidentale del lago Ontario, lungo la sponda meridionale. Il collegio comprende parte della città di Hamilton e diverse comunità come Stoney Creek che si trovano a nord della Niagara Escarpment (scogliera o burrone)… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
The provincial electoral district of Hamilton East-Stoney Creek was created in 2007. It is situated at the western tip of Lake Ontario along the southern shore. The riding encompasses part of the City of Hamilton and includes several communities like Stoney Creek that lie north of the Niagara Escarpment.