Tag: ndp

Kristine Wong-Tam leaves the City Council to run for NDP in provincial election

TORONTO – Kristine Wong-Tam, city councilor in Toronto, has decided leave (starting May 4th) her role to run in the next provincial elections with the NDP. The news was announced by the councilor herself through a long letter that appeared on her website – https://www.kristynwongtam.ca – which, according to the Corriere Canadese, gives the impression of being financed by the Municipality itself (a point on which the Corriere Canadese itself asked the candidate to clarify).

If she will lose the elections, Wong-Tam (in the pic above, taken from her Twitter profile @kristynwongtam) will not be able to rejoin the City Council also because she has already announced – in the same letter – that she will not run again in the next municipal elections in the autumn. At the Toronto Catholic District School Board, they are not following the same example: neither the trustee Ida Li Preti (candidate with the Liberals) nor the trustee Angela Kennedy (candidate with the Conservatives) have in fact renounced their position as trustees.

Conservatori in fuga, Ndp e Partito Liberale ancora in difficoltà

TORONTO – Progressive Conservative in fuga, Partito Liberale in difficoltà, Ndp in caduta libera. È questa l’istantanea scattata dall’ultimo sondaggio della Ipsos pubblicato ieri, un sondaggio che mette in luce come Doug Ford possa nutrire legittime speranze non solo di vincere le elezioni a giugno, ma anche di tornare a Queen’s Park con una corposa maggioranza parlamentare… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Tory primo partito, staccati Ndp e liberali

TORONTO – Mentre le elezioni provinciali si avvicinano a passi da gigante, secondo un nuovo sondaggio condotto da Leger per conto di Postmedia News tra il 25 e il 27 febbraio, i conservatori dell’Ontario sono in vantaggio nelle preferenze mentre l’NDP e i liberali sono teta a testa nella corsa per il secondo posto. Nelle intenzioni di voto i tory di Doug Ford sono al 39%. Gli Ndippini di Andrea Horwath e i Liberali di Steven Del Duca sono in parità, rispettivamente con il 27%. “Siamo praticamente a due mesi dal fischio d’inizio – ha affermato Andrew Enns, vicepresidente responsabile di Leger presso l’ufficio di Winnipeg – a partire da adesso si può già vedere a che punto si trovano i partiti in termini di preferenze”… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Leger Poll: Tory first party, NDP and Liberals are tied

TORONTO – As the provincial election approaches by leaps and bounds, according to a new poll conducted by Leger on behalf of Postmedia News between February 25 and 27, Ontario’s Conservatives are ahead in preferences while the NDP and Liberals are head to head in the race for second place. In voting intentions, Doug Ford’s Tories are at 39%. Andrea Horwath’s NDP and Steven Del Duca’s Liberals are tied, with 27% respectively. “We are practically two months from the kick-off – said Andrew Enns, vice president in charge of Leger at the Winnipeg office – starting from now on you can already see where the parties are in terms of preferences”.