Tag: ndp

NDP and PPC curb O’Toole’s ambitions

TORONTO – The difficulties of Jagmeet Singh and the rise of Maxime Bernier are holding back Erin O’Toole. And, as a result of the inertia that has been created, Justin Trudeau is smiling, relaunching his ambitions for the conquest of the third term after those resulting from the vote of 2015 and 2019. To provide us with the change in the balance of power in this race for the federal vote is the snapshot taken by the latest polls that highlight how between the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party there continues to be a tight head-to-head on which, however, weighs enormously what is happening on the right and left in the Canadian party arc. 

The grits focus on the difficulties of the NDP, young people turn towards the conservatives

TORONTO – Still conflicting signs in these long journey that separates us from the appointment at the polls. Elements that, as has happened since the beginning of the election campaign, add uncertainty to a vote already burdened by the shadow areas caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the precarious situation in Afghanistan. The latest Nanos poll is in sharp contrast to the opinion polls of this and last week and signals a decisive recovery in voting intentions in favor of the Liberal Party. According to the poll, at this moment the party led by the outgoing prime minister reaches 35.9 percent, marking an increase of 2.4 percent compared to the previous opinion poll. 

Essex: altalena tra NDP e Conservatori

TORONTO – Il distretto elettorale di Essex (ex Essex-Windsor), situato nell’Ontario sudoccidentale, confina con i laghi Erie e St Clair. La circoscrizione comprende le città di Amherstburg, Essex, Kingsville, LaSalle e parti di Town of Lakeshore. Chris Lewis, l’attuale deputato federale, è in corsa per la rielezione con la bandiera dei conservatori. Rappresenta la circoscrizione dal 2019, quando fu eletto con il 41,4% dei voti. Ha battuto l’allora in carica, Tracey Ramsey, che ha preso il 34,6% dei voti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Essex: A toss up between the Conservatives and NDP

The electoral district of Essex (formerly Essex-Windsor), located in southwestern Ontario, borders onto Lake Erie. The constituency includes the towns of Amherstburg, Essex, Kingsville, LaSalle and parts of the Town of Lakeshore.

Chris Lewis, the current MP, is seeking re-election for the Conservatives. He has represented the riding since 2019, when he was elected with 41.4% of the vote. He beat out the then Incumbent, Tracey Ramsey, who took 34.6% of the vote.