TORONTO – A resounding no to Orchard Villa requests. The Ontario NDP is pressing the provincial government to respond in spades to the requests made by the long-term care home Orchard Villa to be able to expand the structure by adding another 87 beds and the license renewed for another 30 years. “The request is disturbing for the family members of the people who died in this LTC ,” reads the letter signed by leader Andrea Horwath and Oshawa MP Jennifer French. →
The lack of staff in nursing homes is the sore point and the problem inevitably has an impact on poor care for the elderly. This is the complaint of Andrea Horwath who today, during a conference in Ottawa, reiterated the need for an urgent increase in staff so that every resident can receive a minimum of four hours of assistance every day. A goal, which Doug Ford has assured, can be achieved in 2025. →
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Download File: Mariella Policheni — Video: Luis Aparicio
“As pessoas têm o direito de saber o que o governo de Ford fez certo e o que fez errado”. Isto foi o que a líder do NDP, Andrea Horwath, disse ontem de manhã, durante uma conferência de imprensa realizada em frente ao Queen’s Park, durante a qual ela pediu um inquérito judicial independente sobre a resposta do governo à pandemia da Covid-19. →
“People have a right to know what the Ford government got right and what il got wrong.” This is what NDP leader Andrea Horwath said yesterday morning, during a press conference held in front of Queen’s Park, during which she called for an independent judicial inquiry into the government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. “A judicial inquiry is absolutely necessary – said Horwath – it is necessary because we no longer want to see a government that makes a health emergency like the one we have experienced worse rather than better. The bottom line is that we can’t move forward without providing clear answers to Ontarians, without bringing them justice.” →