Tag: needs

Mitzie Hunter confirms she will resign her seat at Queen’s Park to be Toronto’s next mayor: “This city needs a champion”

TORONTO – She said it before running as a candidate and reiterated it on Monday evening, during a meeting with NEPMCC, the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada: in the next few hours, Mitzie Hunter will resign as MPP of Ontario to being able to devote herself even more intensely to the electoral campaign that sees her engaged in the race for the office of Mayor of Toronto.

“Province needs to create a COVID-19 vaccination passport”

TORONTO – Vaccination passport yes, vaccination passport no. The controversy, stimulated also since it is happening overseas on the vaccination obligation, has suddenly broken out even here in Canada, with the various levels of government that are not able to express a common position on a burning issue, destined to accompany us throughout the summer. But let us put our own house in order.

City of Toronto conducting fifth Street Needs Assessment of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto

  • The final complete report will be published in the fall 2021

Photo: Screenshot of a video message of thanks from John Tory to the 2021 SNA participants (Youtube)

Starting on April 19, the City of Toronto will be conducting Toronto’s fifth “Street Needs Assessment” (SNA). The SNA is a city-wide, point-in-time count and survey of people experiencing homelessness in Toronto, led by Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (SSHA), in collaboration with community partners in the homelessness sector.