TORONTO – Doctors didn’t like Prime Minister Ford’s approach to the healthcare. A sector in full crisis with the emergency rooms of numerous Ontario hospitals forced to temporarily close on weekends due to staff shortages.
TORONTO – With less than four months until the Provincial election, the Ford Government agrees to pay $5,000 to Ontario’s front-line nurses in publicly funded settings. The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) confirmed this in a statement (February 11), that said its president, Cathryn Hoy had met with Premier Ford and “negotiated a good-faith retention bonus for all front-line nurses in publicly-funded facilities”.
TORONTO – It is a deep crisis that the home care sector is going through. During the Covid-19 pandemic there has been an unprecedented flight of personnel to other parts of the health system. “We have literally lost over 3,000 nurses, qualified therapists and personal support workers,” said Sue VanderBent, CEO of Home Care Ontario, which represents home care providers in Ontario, “and this is very bad news for Ontario residents who are receiving home care because now the number is so small that many people are left waiting at home for a nurse or therapist or PSW who will not arrive.” →
Struggling with the staff shortages in the health care system, responsible people wonder where to get medical personnel to cope with the needs related not only to the pandemic, but also to regular disease situations.

Good news. From today, May 16, incl. doctors and medical staff got additional motivation to →
[GTranslate]TORONTO – It is well known that working in a long-term care home is exhausting and psychologically stressful, especially during the Covid pandemic. It doesn’t take much imagination to realize what happened in these facilities since March last year. →