Today, Oakville Trustee Nancy Guzzo was before the Hamilton courts fighting twelve counts of fraud. The matter, which has been before the courts for over one year, will have to wait until 2023 for any sort of conclusion.
TORONTO – Dire che il tempo stia passando senza che ci sia nessun cambiamento potrebbe essere un’osservazione accurata. Almeno quando si tratta di questioni legali davanti ai tribunali. In particolare, il fatto in cui è coinvolto una fiduciaria dell’Halton Catholic District School Board… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
If it appears that time drags on with little to no change, that may be an accurate observation. At least when it comes to legal matters before the courts. Specifically, the matter in which a Halton Catholic District School Board trustee is concerned.
On January 18, nearly one year to the date of arrest (January 21, 2021), Oakville trustee, Nancy Guzzo was scheduled to appear (for the ninth time) with her Counsel in the Hamilton courts before a judge to dispose of criminal fraud charges – twelve in total. Unfortunately, neither she nor her counsel appeared to take the issue seriously. →