TORONTO – A double Master’s, one in Italy after a three-year degree in one of the most prestigious Italian universities and a second one in Canada. Then, a permanent job in Toronto. But that’s not enough. Also, she, like many other young Italians and Europeans, will have to return to Italy because it seems impossible to obtain a visa extension (not to mention the “mirage” better known by the name of Permanent Residence: the PR).
TORONTO – Il settore dell’arte e della cultura è stata duramente colpita dall’arrivo del Covid-19. Ma la ripresa di questa industria è stimolata da un’esperienza teatrale multimediale immersiva e contemporanea chiamata The Spectator’s Odyssey – o dell’Inferno… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
The arts and culture industry has been hit hard in the wake of Covid-19. But the industry’s revival is spurred on by an immersive, contemporary multimedia theatrical experience called The Spectator’s Odyssey – o dell’Inferno.
Created by Daniele Bartolini, artistic director of the internationally acclaimed, Italian Canadian DopoLavoro Teatrale (DLT) and developed in support with TO Live, the artistic experience connects the audience and transports them between the world of art and behind the scenes of two of Toronto’s most iconic buildings.
TORONTO – Landing in Canada in times of Covid-19 is a kind of modern “Odyssey”. Overcoming it is a challenge and to do so it is necessary to follow all the requirements to the letter, paying attention to the smallest details. Otherwise you cannot enter. →