TORONTO – One of our readers, Jean-Richard Pelland, sent us a comment about our article “OECTA ‘gender ideologues’ cast a pall over the YCDSB“, published on line on 29th March and on the newspaper on 30th March. We publish, below, his comment and the Publisher’s reply.
TORONTO – Il consiglio scolastico del distretto cattolico di York (YCDSB) non crede più nel proprio obbligo costituzionalmente imposto di difendere e promuovere la cattolicità delle sue scuole. Sia il direttore (Domenic Scuglia) che il presidente (Frank Alexander) ne hanno ceduto la responsabilità al sindacato degli insegnanti, OECTA e al suo presidente locale, un certo Mike Totten.
TORONTO – York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) no longer believes in its own Constitutionally mandated obligation to defend and promote the catholicity of its schools. Both the Director (Domenic Scuglia) and the Chair (Frank Alexander) have ceded responsibility for that to the teachers’ union, OECTA and its local president, a certain Mike Totten.
TORONTO – Infections are rapidly and steadily increasing among students and teachers. To raise the alarm, and at the same time to ask for the restoration of the mandatory nature of masks, is the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (Oecta).