All Canadians have an interest in the process and the outcome of the Conservative Party of Canada Leadership contest, regardless of partisan affiliation. With all due respect to the other parties (Bloc Quebecois, Green, Liberal and NDP) it is one of two Parties with any realistic chance of forming a federal government. The other being the Liberals.
TORONTO – The number of infected patients in Ontario hospitals continues to grow: today it rose to 1,730 from 1,455 twenty-four hours earlier. The total number of people admitted to intensive care is stable: 219. Tuesday’s report therefore marks an increase of 275 patients overall in a single day. (more…)
TORONTO – 1,362 people are hospitalized in Ontario with or due to Covid-19, 212 of which in intensive care: today’s data could indicate a decrease in the number of Covid patients compared to the day before when the hospitalized were 1,684 (unchanged, instead, the number of people in the ICU), but it should be noted that not all hospitals report data over the weekend. What is certain is that ICU employment has increased by 7.6% in the past week and by 28.4% in the past month. (more…)
TORONTO – Covid-19 hospitalizations, Ontario is again above one thousand: today in the hospitals of the province there were in fact 1,091 patients against 857 just 24 hours earlier. An impressive surge, which has jumped the increase in hospitalizations in the last seven days to + 38%. 173 people in intensive care, compared to 168 the day before today. (more…)
TORONTO – Covid-19, the number of hospitalizations in Ontario is stable: today the beds occupied by Covid-patients in Ontario hospitals amounted to 849, compared to 842 on Sunday. On the other hand, the figure for intensive care still drops, from 281 patients on Sunday to 279 today (of which 171 with ventilators). The total number of hospitalized still remains well below one thousand, where it fell for the first time just the day before today. Within just one week, the number of coronavirus patients in hospitals dropped by more than 200. (more…)