TORONTO – Four key issues to resolve. And the strike goes on. A week into the large-scale mobilization of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), the federal government comes out of the closet with an “open letter to public employees and Canadians”, in which the chair of the Treasury Board, Mona Fortier, reveals the critical points of the negotiation with the PSAC for the renewal of the contract of federal civil servants. →
TORONTO – The federal government is opening up the possibility of amending bail laws: “We will review amendments to the Penal Code,” Justice Minister and Attorney General David Lametti told CTV. “The Provinces have asked us to do it, the (provincial) ministers of Justice have asked us to do it and we are thinking about it”. →
TORONTO – These municipal elections are at best ho-hum and extremely local. From a leadership perspective, who are the individuals with a vision and a plan to rebuild our aging infrastructure, make our roads navigable, our communities safe(r)?
TORONTO – Investire nelle strutture sanitarie private per gli interventi chirurgici, aggiungere fino a 6.000 operatori sanitari, trasferire gli anziani in case di cura a lunga degenza “alternative”. Sono questi in sintesi i punti salienti del “Plan to stay open” presentato ieri dal governo dell’Ontario in vista di un probabile aumento delle malattie respiratorie nei prossimi mesi… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – Erin O’Toole’s leadership in the Conservative Party is shaky more and more. If in recent weeks the signs of discontent within the party, the discontent of the base and the dissatisfaction of a part of the Tory ruling class had emerged sporadically and disjointedly, now we are facing an open rebellion launched by those who want the leader’s head. →