Tag: opinion

Le infrastrutture “soffici” e gli aumenti di imposte ai ricchi

Mitt Romney, multimilionario, candidato presidenziale repubblicano nel 2012 e attuale senatore dell’Utah, non è stato entusiasta della proposta democratica di aumentare le tasse ai miliardari. Secondo Romney, tassare il patrimonio degli ultraricchi li costringerebbe ad allontanarsi dagli investimenti in borsa concentrando i loro soldi in “fattorie o quadri” che non creano posti di lavoro… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

WHO, a global failure that requires new leadership

TORONTO – This past week was an interesting week on the COVID 19 front from many perspectives but the most intriguing for me was the news that the current director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) is running again for a 5 year term. The current Director-General (in the pic, from www.who.int) in my opinion as head of the WHO has just been part of a Global Failure and yet he is seeking another 5-year appointment, which to-date is uncontested.