TORONTO – Ho hum, waiting for election day. I had the sensation of being on a raft, no paddle, in the middle of Lake Ontario, a sunny day, placid waters and storm clouds on the horizon… and no way to get to the distant shore. Welcome to a phoney debate. →
TORONTO – Exactly eleven days before the elections, the great challenge between the parties has begun: to convince the undecided. A slice of the electorate still very conspicuous, as confirmed by the eleven polls, a band that at the end of the day could definitively shift the balance and balance of power between political formations. →
TORONTO – Mi dispiace per Trudeau. Niente nella sua campagna sembra essere in sintonia con il grande pubblico. Ogni passo che la sua campagna disegna appare invece controintuitivo e “irritante”. In effetti, sempre meno persone sono disposte a “dargli un po’ di tregua”. Sembra solo ieri che la facile soluzione ai mali del Paese fosse un semplice selfie del leader liberale…
TORONTO – I feel sorry for Trudeau. Nothing in his campaign seems to resonate with the general public. Every step his campaign designs instead appears counter-intuitive and “testy”. In fact, fewer and fewer people are willing to “cut him any slack”. It seems only yesterday that the easy solution to the country’s ills was a simple selfie of the Liberal leader. Today, polls are laying bare some acrimonious discontent. Some of it merciless. From Surrey to Cambridge to New Brunswick to Bolton to London, disparate crowds hound the Liberal Leader, hurling their profanities, their churlish rudeness and stones. Many among the protesters are women, giving a newer meaning to the term the “gentler sex”. →
TORONTO – Le campagne elettorali sono sempre piene di sorprese. Si sarebbe tentati di pensare che si tratti di questioni che ruotano attorno a COME uomini e donne impegnati in politica darebbero forma al nostro futuro. Cerco di prestare attenzione perché’ ancora sotto l’influenza di una nostalgia romantica per un processo democratico che non è mai stato, immagino, o perché sono totalmente ingenuo…