Tag: ottawa

Ottawa and Ontario: the two overlapping electoral campaigns

TORONTO – Parliaments closed, politics has certainly not gone on vacation. These days we are witnessing two election campaigns under trace, which overlap and share the same dynamic. At the federal level, the leaders of the main parties are struggling with tours that touch all parts of Canada. Officially, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has rejected the idea of early elections, yet the dynamics that have been created lead to a very specific direction: that of returning to the polls, perhaps in August or, at the latest, in the autumn. (more…)

Ottawa reiteró su crítica al gobierno de Maduro

Foto: Jonathan Klindt – Diálogo de Derechos Humanos, org.

El gobierno canadiense reiteró su apoyo a la demanda ante la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) contra el régimen venezolano de Nicolás Maduro por violaciones a derechos humanos interpuesta en 2018. Canadá, así como Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Perú y Argentina denunciaron ante la CPI “numerosas violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidos por el régimen de Nicolás Maduro” y que “constituyen crímenes de lesa humanidad”. (more…)

Ottawa reiterated its criticism of the Maduro government

Photo credit: Amnistía Internacional

The Canadian government reiterated its support for the lawsuit before the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro for human rights violations filed in 2018. Canada, as well as Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Argentina filed a complaint with the ICC “Numerous human rights violations committed by the Nicolás Maduro regime” and that “constitute crimes against humanity”. (more…)