KABUL – More than 2,700 people evacuated by Canadian airplanes, over 500 on Tuesday alone. And it is rushing to rescue other people but time is running out because Canada will also have to withdraw its troops by August 31, the date set by the Taliban for the exit from the country of “all foreigners”. →
Have you ever watched a movie that affected your life to a point as to alter some of your movements in a cautionary way? I have. “Jaws” made me think twice before heading to the deep part of the ocean. “Exorcist” made me imagine the bad behaviour I witness out there to be demonic. Needless to say, I watched these movies when I was in my early twenties and, though I’ve revisited “Jaws” once, I admit having stayed away from “Exorcist” altogether. →
Toronto, March 23: Today, with World Meteorological Day looming, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has raised the issue of the ocean crisis. Climate change is having an adverse effect on the oceans, that’s for sure. The climate of the ocean is changing rapidly. The warmth of the sea is increasing with the height of the sea level. The wind on the surface of the ocean is becoming terrible. As a result, natural disasters like Tornadoes, cyclones and hurricanes are increasing, those causes loss of life and property. →