Tag: parental

A hero for parental rights

Canada is a fine-tuned, sophisticated and nuanced “democratic” country governed by a Constitutional Monarchy, guided by a Constitution that sets out specific authorities and allocates them to geopolitical jurisdictions (Provinces). Its citizens enjoy civil rights as interpreted in that context and that of a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

Parental rights in schools: who teaches what to your kids

TORONTO – Many teachers are paragons of virtue, examples and role models for the children under their care. They “serve” in loco parentis – our surrogates once we drop them off onto the school property. At a bare minimum, from them, we expect that they will impart values reflecting love of  “learning” (critical analysis), a sense of responsibility, respect for the Law (and all that it entails) and commitment to the institutional vision of their employer… us, the parents of their students.