Tag: pass

Il ‘Green Pass’ esteso a scuole e università: sospesi i docenti “no-vax”

ROMA – Nel giorno dell’entrata in vigore del Green Pass in Italia (oggi), necessario per accedere a ristoranti, musei, centri culturali, piscine, palestre e per assistere a spettacoli o partecipare a sagre (per fare alcuni esempi), lo stesso documento viene esteso a nuove categorie, come già ampiamente anticipato nei giorni scorsi: il personale scolastico, innanzitutto. Ma sarà necessario esibire il “passaporto vaccinale” anche per viaggiare sui treni a lungo percorrenza (esclusi, invece, i trasporti locali). Ieri il Consiglio dei Ministri guidato dal premier Mario Draghi ha dunque dato il via libera al provvedimento del quale si è tanto parlato e che va ad integrare quello che ha istituito l’attuale Green Pass… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Italy: ‘Green Pass’ extended to schools and universities, no-vax teachers without salary

ROME – On the eve of entry into force of the Green Pass in Italy (from tomorrow), necessary to access restaurants, museums, cultural centers, swimming pools, gyms and to attend shows or participate in festivals (to name a few), the same document is extended to new categories, as already widely anticipated in recent days: school staff, first of all. But it will be necessary to show the “vaccination passport” also to travel on long-distance trains (excluding, however, local transport). (more…)

The ‘Russian’ Italians: “Vaccinated and without rights, we are the orphans of Green Pass”

VENICE – A paradoxical story, one of the many that in these “pandemic” months we have become accustomed to reading and telling. It is that of the Italians in Russia who are experiencing a real Odyssey during the summer holidays which for them have always represented an opportunity to review their beloved homeland and, of course, their family and friends of all time.  (more…)