È emerso un altro aspetto negativo dell’Work From Home, almeno per gli anglosassoni. Stare lontano dall’ufficio indurrebbe a pensare troppo… Il fenomeno ha perfino un nome gergale: “overthinking”. Oltre al significato letterale del termine, l’espressione ha il senso di ‘rimuginare eccessivamente’…

Canadian National Multilingual Newsgroup
Welcome to the Canadian National Multilingual News Group (CNMNG). This is a project made possible through funding by Canadian Heritage. CNMNG aims to gather news researched and written by a corps of Canadian-based journalists/writers from the country’s multilingual community groups. The overall goal is to inform, analyze and critique the issues of the day in a professional manner and to provide that to publishers and editors active in the ethnocultural-multilingual press and media whose experience provides them with a perspective that is sensitive to news relevant to their own language group.