Tag: pipitone,

The shocking revelation of the former magistrate: “Denise Pipitone is alive and has a daughter”

ROME – A real media bomb. And this time to launch it is a former magistrate, Maria Angioni: Denise Pipitone, disappeared on 1 September 2004 in Mazara del Vallo in the province of Trapani (Sicily, Italy), would be alive, ‘settled’ in a family that would have ties with the kidnappers. And she would be a mother, she would have a daughter. A shocking revelation, also in light of the fact that the author was the attorney who had worked on the case in the initial stages of the affair, 17 years ago.

La rivelazione-choc dell’ex magistrato: “Denise Pipitone è viva e ha una figlia”

ROMA – Una vera e proprio bomba mediatica. E questa volta a lanciarla è un ex magistrato, Maria Angioni: Denise Pipitone, scomparsa l’1 settembre del 2004 a Mazara del Vallo in provincia di Trapani (Sicilia), sarebbe viva, ‘sistemata’ in una famiglia che avrebbe legami con i rapitori. E sarebbe madre, avrebbe una figlia. Una rivelazione-choc, anche alla luce del fatto che a farla – oggi, nel corso della trasmissione di Rai 1 ‘Storie Italiane’ – è proprio il pm che aveva lavorato al caso nelle fasi iniziali della vicenda, 17 anni fa.

Denise Pipitone, searches in a well in the house where her father’s ex-wife lived


MAZARA DEL VALLO – Denise Pipitone: from hope to anguish, in a few weeks. The illusion of having found her in Olesya Rostova, the Russian girl looking for her mother, lasted only a few days and had turned into a kind of reality show (read our article here: “Olesya is not Denise”: hope collapses on TV like in a reality show ). Yesterday, unfortunately always live on television, a cold shower arrived