Tag: place:

La rivitalizzazione di Ontario Place

TORONTO – Dopo la sua chiusura nel 2012, Ontario Place (nella foto di Priscilla Pajdo), l’iconica attrazione sul lungolago di Toronto, di proprietà provinciale grande di 155 acri, è stata lasciata sottoutilizzata e dunque un triste ricordo di una destinazione turistica un tempo importante. Tutto questo potrebbe cambiare se si realizzino nuovi progetti ideati a proposito… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

The revitalization of Ontario Place

After it’s closure in 2012, Ontario Place, Toronto’s iconic waterfront attraction, was left underutilized and a sad reminder of a once major tourist destination. Hopefully, that’s all about to change.

The plans to redevelop Ontario Place, announced July 30, include new facilities and activities to be enjoyed and utilized year-round.

In London will take place a dangerous social and health experiment

TORONTO – Freedom Day in England, with the elimination of almost all anti-Covid restrictions. But at what price? Britain becomes, at a time when the whole world still has to deal with the pandemic, an immense laboratory in which the government led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson has decided to carry out a dangerous social-health experiment. At first sight, this is a political breakthrough that is difficult to understand.