“Time is running out.” Using these words, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore has tried to get out of the hibernation in which it fell, the government that must ensure a safe reopening of schools in September. September seems far away, indeed far away, but eight weeks quickly pass while a plan to be implemented to kick-start the new school year is not mentioned. →
TORONTO – In exactly two months, the new school year will begin, and in Ontario the plan for re-entry is still a huge question mark. In recent months, the provincial government and in particular the Public Education Minister Stephen Lecce have put aside all the problems created by the Covid-19 pandemic in the school sector to devote themselves to something else. →
On June 23, the Ontario government released a report to guide the recovery of the province’s tourism industry. This comes one week ahead of Canada day, when the school year comes to an end and families embark on their summer vacation adventures.
The Toronto City Council on Tuesday (June 8th) approved a sidewalk snow clearing plan that will expand the City of Toronto’s existing program to all Toronto neighbourhoods. →
There is a sense of excitement in the air. The province will move into Step 1 of the economic reopening plan this Friday, three days ahead of the original timeline. It has been a long-waited step forward, especially in regions hardest hit by Covid-19, especially the Region of Peel.