Tag: polls:

Ontario, countdown for the provincial vote

TORONTO – Countdown to the election in Ontario. Once the possibility of early voting has ended – the deadline was set for 28 May – voters will have the opportunity to express their preference on Thursday 2 June, from 9 am to 9 pm. Frenetic, as was to be expected, the last weekend of the election campaign for the leaders of the main parties, who have traveled the length and breadth of the province to try to convince the undecided that they still represent a substantial slice of the Ontario electorate. 

Dieci giorni al voto, Doug Ford mantiene un netto vantaggio

TORONTO – A dieci giorni dall’appuntamento alle urne, i conservatori mantengono un netto vantaggio sugli altri partiti. La conferma arriva da quattro differenti sondaggi effettuati negli ultimi giorni che mettono in luce come, dal dibattito televisivo tra i leader dei quattro principali partiti, i rapporti di forza in Ontario non siano mutati in maniera significativa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Italians may decide the election in Humber River-Black Creek

The electoral district of Humber River-Black Creek was created in 2018, but the area has a long history. Formerly known as York West, the district spans an area of 30 square km and is situated along the City of Toronto’s northern limits with Hwy 400 running down the middle. The constituency is comprised of several neighbourhoods including Jane and Finch, Humber Summit, Village at York University and Black Creek.

I conservatori vicini alla maggioranza assoluta dei seggi

TORONTO – Il Progressive Conservative viaggia spedito verso una possibile maggioranza assoluta a Queen’s Park. È questa l’istantanea scattata ieri dal portale 338canada.com, nella giornata in cui i leader dei partiti sono impegnati nel dibattito televisivo di Toronto: un evento questo ancora in corso mentre andiamo in stampa, del quale daremo ampia copertura sull’edizione di domani del Corriere Canadese… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>