Tag: polls:

Elections 2021: the countdown is over

TORONTO – At the end of an election campaign full of accusations, poisons and controversy, the countdown is over. Tomorrow Canadians will go to the polls to choose their 338 representatives in the 44th legislature and, indirectly, to indicate the new prime minister. Today the leaders of the main parties held the last electoral rallies, launching the last appeal to the still undecided voters who, ultimately, could shift the final balance and therefore the outcome of the votes. Justin Trudeau spoke in Montreal in the morning, while throughout the day he was engaged in a long series of virtual events. 

Vaughan-Woodbridge: A hard working community with a strong Italian presence

The electoral district of Vaughan-Woodbridge is located along the south western edge of York Region. It was created by the 2012 electoral boundaries redistribution and encompasses the neighbourhood of Woodbridge and part of the City of Vaughan.

The constituency is home to the highest concentration of Italian Canadians in Canada. With an area population of 105,228 residents (2016 Census), more than half – 55,960 people – identify as Italian.

Scontro nelle province, ancora parità statistica tra O’Toole e Trudeau

TORONTO – A cinque giorni dal voto, conservatori e liberali si trovano in una sostanziale parità statistica. Gli ultimi sondaggi confermano come la distanza tra i due partiti sia al di sotto della soglia del 2 per cento, che rappresenta il margine d’errore e che quindi certifica come i rapporti di forza, espressi nelle intenzioni di voto dell’elettorato canadese, si siano cristallizzati in una parità generalizzata. Per cercare di capire quali siano le dinamiche che stanno caratterizzando questo nuovo equilibrio tra le forze politiche in corsa occorre andare ad analizzare la situazione su base regionale… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

King-Vaughan: A two-horse race between Liberals and Conservatives

At the north western edge of York Region is the electoral district of King-Vaughan. The constituency was created by the 2012 federal electoral boundaries redistribution and includes parts of the Township of King and the City of Vaughan.

According to the 2016 Census, King-Vaughan is home to 131,995 residents. It is a riding with one of the highest concentrations of Italian-Canadians. Roughly 40,955 constituents are of Italian origin, that represents 31% of the area’s population.