Tag: pope

Indigenous Delegation visit Pope Francis for an apology

A group of delegates representing First Nations, Inuit and Métis head to Rome this weekend for an audience with the Pope. The delegation consists of about 30 Indigenous people including elders, residential school survivors and youth.

The delegation’s theme is centered around how Indigenous Peoples and the Catholic Church can move forward together toward healing and reconciliation. It is precisely the history of residential schools in Canada that has ignited the national conversation.

Reconciliation with the natives, the Pope arrives in Canada

TORONTO – The Pope arrives. When, we still do not know but the news is certain because today the Vatican itself published it through an article on the Vatican News website: “The Pope wants to go to Canada in the context of the indigenous question” . In a nutshell, Francis said he was willing to accept the invitation of the Canadian episcopate, engaged in the process of reconciliation with the natives. “The dates of the visit will be made official soon”, reads the article

Afghanistan, the Pope: “I pray that many countries will protect those seeking a new life”


VATICAN CITY – “Help the Afghans”. The call comes from St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. It was launched by Pope Francis, after the Sunday Angelus. “In these troubled times that see Afghans seeking refuge – said the Pontiff – , I pray for the most vulnerable among them. I pray that many countries will welcome and protect those seeking a new life. I pray also for the internally displaced persons and that they may receive assistance and the necessary protection. May young Afghans receive education, an essential good for human development. And may all Afghans, whether at home, in transit, or in host countries, live with dignity, in peace and fraternity with their neighbours”. 

The Pope at Angelus from the hospital: “Healthcare free for all, like in Italy”

“A free health service that ensures a good service accessible to all”. Pope Francis’s appeal started from the tenth floor balcony of the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, where the Pontiff is still hospitalized after the surgery a week ago. Despite the surgical operation he underwent, Bergoglio did not want to give up the Sunday Angelus and therefore went to the balcony (in the photo, taken from the video of the Vatican News YouTube channel), accompanied by some sick people, including three children, to talk in front of a crowd of faithful gathered for the occasion in front of the hospital.