TORONTO – This expression, of debated origin, but popular in the 20th century English lexicon, was used to “defer responsibility for some task or action to some unspecified other person”. Italians have placed their trust in Giorgia.
TORONTO – In the absence of large-scale PCR testing, Canada must develop an accurate method to detect the presence of COVID-19. This is what experts say in this sixth wave that is recording a high number of hospitalizations: today they are 1,626.
25 de Fevereiro de 2021, 17 horas, está no ar, na GoLive Tv o programa “Today in Toronto with Manuel Alexandre”.
Como prometido, na última Quinta-feira da cada mês, o Sr.Cônsul Geral de Portugal em Toronto, Dr José Mendes marca presença para informar a comunidade portuguesa sobre o que respeita à actividade do Consulado.
De forma simples e empenhada, o Sr. Cônsul e seus colaboradores,estiveram neste programa essencialmente para responder as perguntas/sugestões que lhes foram enviadas via Facebook “”. →