TORONTO – Promette battaglia l’Ontario Health Coalition che vuole impedire al governo di Doug Ford di consentire a più cliniche private di condurre interventi chirurgici coperti dall’OHIP. “Il disegno di legge si tradurrà in un’ulteriore ’vendita manipolativa’ di servizi medici non necessari – dice il direttore responsabile Natalie Mehra – la decisione del governo Ford di privatizzare i nostri servizi ospedalieri pubblici è una scelta politica, non una necessità”…
TORONTO – Private healthcare can “help” where public healthcare does not arrive: this is essentially the message launched by the premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, during today’s press conference – the first of 2023 – in which, while opening to private healthcare, he also declared that the notorious Bill 124 – the legislation that capped wage increases for most public sector workers at 1% for three years – “doesn’t exist”. →
TORONTO – This summer in the parks and beaches by Lake Toronto, citizens will most likely be able to consume alcohol. The pilot project, similar to the one proposed by Councillor Josh Matlow last spring during a bad wave of Covid, was discussed today by the city council.