TORONTO – Slight increase in Covid hospitalizations today in Ontario. 1,106 people in hospital, compared to 1,038 yesterday. 319 in ICU, same number on Tuesday. However, the percentage of those in hospital for the virus and not for other pathologies falls: 49% for ordinary Covid wards, 77.5% for intensive care. →
TORONTO – Calano sensibilmente le ospedalizzazioni Covid-19 in Ontario e nel resto del Canada. Si conferma dunque il trend delle ultime settimane, negativo solo in fatto di decessi: il numero dei morti infatti è sempre stato alto e soltanto negli ultimissimi giorni si è registrato un forte calo – sia in Ontario che in Quebec – che, si spera, verrà confermato nella settimana appena iniziata. Ma andiamo con ordine e partiamo dall’Ontario…
TORONTO – Covid-19 hospitalizations in Ontario and the rest of Canada are falling significantly. The trend of the last few weeks is therefore confirmed, negative only in terms of deaths: their number in fact has always been high and only in the last few days has there been a sharp decline – both in Ontario and Quebec – which, hopefully, will be confirmed in the week just started. But let’s go in order and let’s start from Ontario. →
TORONTO – Covid-19 in Ontario: calano i ricoveri, sia nei reparti ordinari che in quelli di terapia intensiva, ma resta alto il numero delle vittime. Ben 37, ieri, i decessi registrati che portano il tragico bilancio in Ontario, da inizio pandemia, a quota 12.204…
TORONTO – Covid-19: hospitalizations are decreasing, both in ordinary and intensive care wards, but the number of victims remains high. 37, today, the deaths recorded in Ontario where 12,204 people have died since the start of the pandemic. →