Tag: quebec

Quebec, almost 5,000 irregular immigrants in one month. The story of Fritznel Richard

MONTREAL – 4,689 people entered Canada illegally through Roxham Road in Quebec last December, more than the number arrived at the “irregular border crossing” during the entirety of 2021. In fact, the number recorded in December 2022 it is the highest since August 2017, when 5,530 people entered. A total of 39,171 people entered the country illegally and then applied for asylum in 2022, more than double the 18,836 who entered via Roxham Road in 2017, the previous record year. 

Il wokismo non costruisce né Paese né società

TORONTO – Il Premier del Quebec, Francois Legault, con il 17% di vantaggio sul suo [non] rivale più vicino all’Assemblea Nazionale, continua a “caratterizzarlo” come un “nemico dello Stato” – la Nation Quebecoise, s’intende. In un articolo di Francesco Veronesi pubblicato la scorsa settimana, il sondaggista Angus Reid, nel suo primo sondaggio dopo le elezioni del Quebec, ha trovato il Premier così avanti rispetto ai partiti “mainstream” riconoscibili ai canadesi da essere a malapena colti dal proverbiale margine di errore… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

For Legault wokism is an enemy of l’État Québecois

TORONTO – The Premier of Quebec, Francois Legault, sitting at 17% points ahead of his nearest [non]rival in the National Assembly, still “characterizes” him as an ‘enemy of the State’ – the Nation of Quebecois. In an article reported by Francesco Veronesi last week, Pollster Angus Reid, in its first poll following the Quebec election, found the Premier to be so far ahead of “mainstream” Parties recognizable to Canadians that they are barely captured by the proverbial margin of error.