TORONTO – Un altro lieve calo dei contagi, ma tanti decessi: ben 11 in un solo giorno, ieri, in Ontario, dove sono state registrate 3.453 nuove infezioni, in calo rispetto alle 3.784 di lunedì ed alle 4.177 di domenica, ma ancora in netto aumento rispetto alle 1.429 di una settimana fa…
TORONTO – The risk of a new lockdown is increasingly real in Ontario. The threat posed by the new Omicron variant has prompted the provincial government to adopt some restrictions that they had already seen during the first three waves of the pandemic, but the Canadian scientific community believes that these measures are too bland to hope to contain the increase in infections.
TORONTO – Another slight decline in infections, but many deaths: 11 in a single day, today, in Ontario, where 3,453 new infections were recorded, down from 3,784 on Monday and 4,177 on Sunday, but still clearly increase from 1,429 a week ago. In recent weeks, cases have steadily increased across the province where the Omicron variant of Covid-19 – which experts say has a doubling time of 2.9 days – now accounts for 88% of cases.
TORONTO – Lieve calo dei nuovi casi, ieri, in Ontario: 3.784 le infezioni registrate, contro le 4.177 di domenica (quando però erano stati effettuati più tamponi), ma in forte aumento rispetto alle 1.536 infezioni segnalate solo una settimana fa: adesso il tasso di positività si avvicina al 10%. Con 44.123 test elaborati nelle ultime 24 ore, infatti, i funzionari segnalano un tasso del 9,7%, il numero più alto dal 3 maggio scorso. Domenica i test elaborati erano stati 51.151: il tasso di positività, con 4.177 infezioni rilevate, era all’8,7%…
TORONTO – Slight drop in new cases today in Ontario: 3,784 reports, compared to 4,177 on Sunday (when, however, more swabs were carried out), but a sharp increase compared to the 1,536 reports reported just a week ago: now the rate of positivity approaches 10%. With 44,123 tests processed in the last 24 hours, officials report a rate of 9.7%, the highest number since May 3. On Sunday the tests processed were 51,151: the positivity rate, with 4,177 detected, was 8.7% The seven-day moving average of daily cases is now 2,863: last Monday it was 1,328. →