TORONTO – “Last week, Canada lost the only sovereign that most of us have ever known”: these are the words Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (in the pic above) said, today, during the official commemoration of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away last week, in the House of Commons which met extraordinarily for the occasion. →
TORONTO – Erano quasi le 3 del pomeriggio quando ieri Papa Francesco, dopo quattro ore di volo, è arrivato all’aeroporto internazionale di Québec City…
TORONTO – After the truce of the last two days, deaths related to Covid-19 in Ontario are back on the rise: today another 15 (3 of which in a long-term care home), which bring the total to the province, since the beginning of the pandemic, to 13.241. →
TORONTO – Con i dati che ancora risentono, probabilmente, dell’effetto-weekend, ieri l’Ontario ha registrato “solo” 1 decesso correlato al Covid-19, che porta il totale delle vittime in provincia, da inizio pandemia, a 13.226…
TORONTO – With the data that are probably still affected by the weekend effect, today Ontario recorded “only” 1 death related to Covid-19, which brings the total number of victims in the province, since the beginning of the pandemic, to 13,226. →