TORONTO – Parte la carica degli italocanadesi in cerca di un seggio a Queen’s Park. Sono in tutto 50 i candidati di origine italiana in corsa in questa tornata elettorale provinciale, distribuiti in tutti i partiti già presenti in parlamento e in quelli in cerca di un posto al sole. Tra loro troviamo leader di partito, deputati di lungo corso, ministri uscenti e neofiti della politica. E in molti distretti sparsi per l’Ontario ci troveremo di fronte a un derby tricolore, come già accaduto in passato nelle elezioni provinciali e come si è ripetuto lo scorso ottobre a livello federale…
TORONTO – Un’altra manifestazione di protesta. Alle 10 di questa mattina i genitori dei ragazzi che frequentano le scuole del Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) si raduneranno davanti a Queen’s Park per esprimere in modo chiaro e inequivocabile il proprio disappunto per l’aumento del numero di studenti per classe che entra in vigore proprio oggi…
TORONTO – Another protest demonstration. At 10am tomorrow the parents of the children attending the schools of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) will gather in front of Queen’s Park to express clearly and unequivocally their disappointment at the increase in the number of students per class that comes into force tomorrow. A move, this, which immediately sent the parents of the boys who already last week organized demonstrations in front of numerous elementary schools of the Catholic school board of the city into a rage: no to “chicken coop” classes, they repeated loudly, no to classes with 31 students. →
School bus drivers and operators from across the province are participating in a protest to urge Premier Doug Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecce to support independent school bus operators that are being put out of business. →
TORONTO – The provincial government is under crossfire on two hot fronts: vaccinations and paid sick days. While Premier Doug Ford remains in self-isolation after the positivity of a member of his staff and prefers to remain silent, at Queen’s Park is a battleground between the government and opposition.