Tag: rcmp

“Storm” on the Greenbelt: now investigated by the RCMP

TORONTO – Over the past twenty-four hours, the Greenbelt case has come back into the spotlight: first the resignation of Ryan Amato, chief of staff to the Ontario housing minister, then the decision of the OPP (the Provincial Police of Ontario) to send the file relating to the Greenbelt to the RCMP and, finally, the opening of an investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) itself which will now “flea” the project relating to the management of the green belt (Greenbelt) of Ontario by the government led by Doug Ford whose intentions are to build new homes where until now it was impossible to do so due to the rules protecting certain green areas (those, in fact, included in the Greenbelt ). 

CORRIERE CANADESE / Tragedia Titan, al via indagini di Rcmp e TSB

TORONTO – Alla fine il Canada è il primo ad aprire ufficialmente un’inchiesta sulla tragedia del sommergibile Titan. Il Transportation Safety Board e l’RCMP condurranno infatti indagini separate sulla morte di cinque persone a bordo del sommergibile Titan scomparso dopo un’ora e 45 minuti durante la sua immersione a circa 700 chilometri a sud-est del Newfoundland… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>