Tag: real

Anti Catholic Bigotry is a Real Problem in Canada

TORONTO – We borrowed the headline from a column written by Jamil Jivani, a writer/broadcaster/lawyer, for the National Post last October 18 (in the pic above, the article on National Post’s website). He went on to say that Catholics, as a group of Canadians, “suffered the biggest spike in hate crimes last year”. He supports his premise with facts. Mr. Jivani is a reputable and consistent advocate for balance, equity and inclusion. He is also a member of a  visible minority. 

Ethnic press, the “voice” of real Canada: videos and pics from CNE

TORONTO – 750 publications in more than 65 languages, which exceed 1,000 if one includes radio and television stations (covering 111 languages) set up a display booth at the Canadian National Exhibition: perhaps in no country in the world there is so much variety. And if it’s true that the official languages ​​in Canada are English and French, it is equally true that those really spoken in everyday life is the only growing linguistic demographic among all Canadians. None excluded.