TORONTO – Ontario hit a record 550 new cases of Covid-19 among public school students and staff within twenty-four hours, and more than a fifth of all public schools have at least one active case for the first time during this school year. (more…)
TORONTO – C’è poco da stare allegri. Il numero di scuole dell’Ontario con almeno un caso attivo di Covid-19 ha raggiunto il punto più alto finora quest’anno, i contagi nel fine settimana sono schizzati a 345 e la nuova variante Omicron è comparsa per la prima volta in un istituto scolastico della provincia…
TORONTO – There is little to be cheerful about. The number of Ontario schools with at least one active case of Covid-19 has reached its highest point so far this year, infections over the weekend have soared to 345 and the new Omicron variant has appeared for the first time in an educational institution in the province. (more…)
EDMONTON – Historic turning point in “ultra-conservative” Alberta: in the two main cities of the province, a woman (in Calgary, for the first time) and a Sikh immigrant from India (in Edmonton, for the first time) were elected mayors. (more…)
EDMONTON – 652 new cases of Covid-19 in Alberta and, above all, 38 deaths which bring the total number of victims, in the province, from the beginning of the pandemic to 2,901. These are the data from Wednesday, which for the number of deaths represent a negative record: the figure in fact equals that recorded on 12 January for the majority of deaths reported in a single day. (more…)