TOKYO – 6 agosto 2021, un’altra giornata storica per lo sport italiano. Trionfa anche la 4×100 azzurra: con 37”50 gli azzurri conquistano l’oro davanti alla Gran Bretagna (37”51) ed al Canada (37”70). Patta, Jacobs, Desalu e Tortu (nella foto di Italia Team) conquistano una fantastica medaglia d’oro olimpica. Per l’Italia Team, dopo le altre vittorie di oggi, è la 38esima medaglia, record assoluto ai Giochi Olimpici, che migliora i 36 podi ottenuti dalle spedizioni azzurre di Los Angeles 1932 e Roma 1960. →
TORONTO – Never felt before temperatures, out-of-control fires, evacuations, panic and fear: It’s been a very difficult week in large parts of British Columbia. The data, naked and raw, are able to explain by thread and by sign the severity of the situation, which is still a long way from normal. →
The heatwaves in Western Canada break records for the highest temperatures ever recorded in the country. →
TORONTO – Ontario sets a new vaccination record; more than 202,000, according to, but at the same time, the problems that emerged on the second vaccination for the residents of the hotspots were not solved. In general, the mass vaccination campaign proceeds in stages dispatched according to the roadmap presented by the provincial government. →