AGRIGENTO – The song and the video clip “Eremita d’amore” (“Hermit of love”) by the Sicilian singer-songwriter Salvatore “Sal” Marchese (in the pic) is online from today 7th October, on the official Vevo, Facebook and Instagram channels of the artist, as well as on the various digital music platforms. The artist, who defines himself as an “island soul and an international mind”, has made a real hymn to love that starts from the profane and gets to the sacred one. →
Artur Pawłowski, a Polish pastor in Calgary, was arrested on Saturday for breaking public health orders during the pandemic after organizing a service at his church.

The arrest took place on a highway, and the whole event is described in this article:
Mexican mothers are leaving their families to travel to Canada to work in the fields. Poverty and a lack of employment opportunities in their home country have caused hundreds of women to migrate to Canada and other high-income countries to work and send money home to help support their families. →