TORONTO – Per non dire troppo, l’esodo dai consigli comunali nella GTA è sorprendente. Solo in quest’ultima settimana, i sindaci di Brampton e Hamilton hanno deciso di dimettersi. Né Patrick Brown né Fred Eisenberger cercheranno la rielezione…
Toronto, June 10: More than 300 people attended a candlelight vigil at the Regent Park last night to remember the hundreds of children whose remains were found buried at a former residential school as well as four Muslims who were run down and killed in London by a truck Sunday evening in what police say was a hate-motivated attack. Thus, all speakers denounce Islamophobia and urge action to defeat anti-Muslim hate and all forms of discrimination among people. →
টরন্টো, জুন ১০: গত রাতে রিজেন্ট পার্কে তিন শতাধিক মানুষ মোমবাতি প্রজ্জ্বলনের মাধ্যমে কানাডার সাবেক আবাসিক স্কুলে দুই শতাধিক আদিবাসী শিশুর প্রাপ্ত দেহাবশেষ ও লন্ডনে রোববার পুলিশের ভাষায় ঘৃণ্য অভিপ্রায়ে ট্রাক চাপায় নিহত মুসলিম পরিবারকে স্মরণ করেছে। সেজন্য বক্তারা সেখানে ইসলামোফোবিয়াসহ মুসলিম বিরোধী ঘৃণা এবং মানুষে মানুষে বিদ্যমান ভেদাভেদকে প্রত্যাখ্যান করেছেন। →
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Download File: by Francesco Veronesi — Video: Rosanna Colavecchia
– Il tempo è galantuomo. La macchina del fango – mediatica e politica – che ha investito il Corriere Canadese negli ultimi mesi inizia a perdere pezzi per strada.
blogTO, portale web di Toronto, ha dovuto presentare le sue scuse ufficiali per aver definito “omofobo, transfobico e razzista” un articolo pubblicato sul Corriere Canadese a firma dell’editore Joe Volpe.
TORONTO – Time is gentleman, as they say. The mudslinging machine – regrettably hyperactive in social media and political circles – that targeted the Corriere Canadese in recent months has begun to lose sympathy on the street. →