Tag: religion?

Chiesa di San Patrizio, Brampton e Padre Vito Marziliano

Fr. Vito Marziliano, St. Patrick’s Church

TORONTO – All’incrocio di  Mayfield Rd e The Gore Rd a Brampton, ad ovest dell’autostrada 50, si trova una delle più antiche chiese cattoliche dell’Ontario. La St. Patrick’s Church (Wildfield) è stata fondata nel 1830 da padre Edward Gordon e formalmente registrata nel 1833. L’area era conosciuta come il distretto settentrionale di Toronto Gore Township. La parrocchia doveva essere al servizio del crescente afflusso di immigrati che si stabilirono nelle comunità agricole di Toronto Gore e nelle municipalità vicine… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

The changing scenes of Christmas

Christmas, the most wonderful time of year! Whether you observe Christmas or any other holiday for that matter, it is hard not to be impressed by the festive displays and celebrations this time of year.

If the cold weather and gloomy skies dampen your mood this season, just pass through any neighbourhood, your feelings may brighten with the dazzling display of lights.

Reconciliation with the natives, the Pope arrives in Canada

TORONTO – The Pope arrives. When, we still do not know but the news is certain because today the Vatican itself published it through an article on the Vatican News website: “The Pope wants to go to Canada in the context of the indigenous question” . In a nutshell, Francis said he was willing to accept the invitation of the Canadian episcopate, engaged in the process of reconciliation with the natives. “The dates of the visit will be made official soon”, reads the article