TORONTO – Congratulations and best wishes go out to newly-appointed Archbishop for the diocese of Toronto, his eminence Frank Leo. The Montreal-born prelate is possessed of well earned credential on the academic, theological, canonic and diplomatic front, having served the “diplomatic corps” of the Vatican for the last ten years.
TORONTO – Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Francis (Frank) Leo (in the pic above, from, currently Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Montreal, as the 14th Archbishop of Toronto. The archbishop-designate succeeds Cardinal Thomas Collins, who has served the archdiocese since 2007.
CITTÀ DEL VATICANO – Si sono messi in fila sin dalle 5.30, nell’atmosfera surreale di una Piazza San Pietro avvolta da una fitta nebbia e blindata dalle forze dell’ordine, per partecipare alle esequie del Papa Emerito. Alle 9.30, ora (italiana) di inizio dei funerali di Ratzinger, erano oltre 50mila i fedeli presenti per l’addio a Joseph Ratzinger, insieme a delegazioni dei diversi Paesi…
VATICAN CITY – They lined up from 5.30am, in the surreal atmosphere of St. Peter’s Square shrouded in thick fog and armored by the police, to attend the funeral of the Pope Emeritus. At 9.30am, the (Italian) time when Ratzinger’s funeral began, over 50,000 faithful were present to bid farewell to Joseph Ratzinger, together with delegations from various countries. →