We missed being able to dine outside, we missed coffee with friends, we missed the mall. But we also missed – and our uncultivated hairstyles bear witness to this – the hairdresser. From tomorrow, with Ontario entering Step 2, it will be possible to do all this and more. The long-awaited relaxation of some of the restrictions with reopening non-essential shops, albeit at 25% of capacity, bodes well after so many difficult months. →
Ontario will move on to the next phase of its reopening plan on June 30, allowing most personal care services to restart and also allowing larger outdoor meetings of up to 25 people and smaller meetings indoors of up to five people. →
TORONTO – Turning point on the reopening front. The Ontario government announced today that starting Friday the province will enter Step 1 of the roadmap for the reopening of the economy. Doug Ford and Christine Elliott had previously planned to loosen the restrictions from Monday, June 14, but in recent days the premier and health minister had hinted that flattening the epidemiological curve could accelerate the start of Step 1. →
Schools can reopen safely on a regional basis, there is no risk of nullifying the progress made by the province in reducing the spread of the virus during the third wave. This is what the COVID-19 Science Advisory Table of Ontario says. →